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111 Tips to Create Impressive Videos

Great Reviews for:



“Author Doris-Maria Heilmann has extensive experience as a magazine and book publisher. She has become a much sought after teacher and lecturer in all aspects of publishing and marketing and hence this excellent survey of the creation and use of videos.

The areas covered in this accessible, easy to follow guide include video trends, video composition, checklists for video shoots, production tutorials, all about editing, SEO (Search Engine Organization) and keyword planning, business and marketing videos, creating professional learning videos, video launch, uploading – and making more money, how to market your video, video equipment, video creation software, production costs, free and royalty free music, and free and royalty free images. And with each of these categories, the author provides excellent Tips to enhance learning and absorption of the offered information – a total of 111 very valuable and wise tips!

Definitely a reference book for learning all about the use of creating videos – whether for personal use, educational use, or for enhancing marketing for businesses.”
Grady Harp March 2019

About the Book:
Dreaming of becoming a YouTube star?  Looking for new and creative ways to drive traffic to your business and your social media accounts?  Then this is the book for you!
Your audience needs to be intrigued, inspired and informed by an outstanding viewing experience.  Walt Disney once said: “I would rather entertain and hope that people learned something than educate people and hope they were entertained.”

Find more than 111 tips on how to create professional videos that enchant your viewers, and how and where to market them for maximum success.

Rather than focusing too much on equipment, the focus of this book is on the art of creating videos that viewers want to watch over and over.

No matter if you produce leisurely or educational videos, marketing or business communication videos, or movie and book trailers: you will not only find hundreds of free music and image links but also lots of valuable ideas and suggestions how to create your next video like a pro.


111 Tips to Create Impressive Videos: 
How to Plan, Create, Upload and Market Videos 
Print Book Edition ISBN: 978-1-988664-24-8
Electronic Book Edition ISBN: 978-1-988664-23-1

TO LIVE IS TO FLY: Memoirs of an Executive Pilot

Dreaming of Learning to Fly?  And maybe becoming a Commercial Pilot?
Have a seat in the airplane’s cockpit and be entertained by these memoirs of an enthusiast pilot!
Observe fascinating flight experiences, technology, and the beauty and forces of nature.  Become captivated by the flying world of a professional aviator during the ’80s and early ’90s in Europe.  And maybe gain also a few pieces of advice along the way for your own flying career.


To Live is to Fly: Memoirs of an Executive Pilot

by Doris Daily – worldwide available in print and ebook

at Barnes&Noble, Amazon, Kobo, Apple, Tolino and in Libraries


Some of the chapters:

Early Fascination With Flying

Ground School and Flight Training

My First Cross-Country: Near-Miss

Prague: Where is the Pilot?

Flying Over Fog

Gaining Additional Flight Time

Midnight Flight to Marseille, France

Gewitterflug to Toulouse, France

Gender, Flying, and BP…

Airplane Transfers

Landing at a Military Airport

Ferry Flight to Istanbul, Turkey

Aerial Photography

Professional Pilot Training

Freelance Commercial Pilot Jobs

How I Got My First Executive Pilot Job

Never a Dull Moment

Smoked Salmon from Sweden

Destination Dresden!

Wait For Your Pilot!

Overnight Freight

Ambulance Flight to Stockholm

Interview With World War II Pilot Beate Uhse

Being a Flight Instructor

European Airports

Munich Riem Airport




How to Double or Triple Your Writers Income

111 Tips to Make Money With Writing:
The Art of Making a Living Full-time Writing

Writing for a living offers lots of advantages – you get to choose when and where you work, and with whom.  But it’s not enough to say you want to make a living as a writer;  you need to know HOW.   You need a concrete plan to bridge the gap between where you are now to where you want to be.

This writers guidebook shows you step-for-step the many possibilities to become a
full-time writer – including a lot more than 111 tips – how to make a living from writing.


The First Part
shows how you can double or triple your royalties, using small steps in the publishing process or how you can transfer your manuscript in a variety of book versions, such as audiobooks, hardcover, book-bundles, prequels, sequels, short stories etc. Other steps are distributions to more retailers, or how to sell your foreign rights or sell your books from your own website.
The Part Freelance Writing
lays out the many opportunities how to make money as a freelance writer, such as selling your articles to magazines or newspapers, writing at platforms or how to find the highest-paying writing gigs.
Find Even More Money
Free Writers Residencies as “paid” vacation or “salaried” fellowships, as well as grants and writing competitions with attractive prizes are described in this chapters.
How else can writers use their skills and knowledge to make money? Teaching, consulting, podcast creations, photo sales, or affiliate marketing are just some of the topics that are enriched many valuable tips and links.

More Useful Tips for Writers:
Crowdfunding, legal considerations, income tax, digital nomad considerations and resources for freelancers with lots of links which are complementing the chapters of this book.

Where to Find: 111 Tips How to Make Money With Writing

Amazon Worldwide

For a Preview click here:

Find it on iBooks, Barnes&Noble, Kobo, Chapters, Thalia, Weltbild etc. via a universal link:

ISBN ebook:  978-1-988664-08-8
ISBN print book: 978-1-988664-18-7






How Can Authors Promote their Books Without Spending a Lot of Money?
No Problem!  Success as an author, especially when creating your platform in social media and establishing your brand, using the tools described here, is almost free. It’s all about where to find readers, book bloggers, and reviewers and how to connect with them. A book marketing checklist in the last chapter will provide you with a useful timeline.

Don’t get overwhelmed by all the book marketing possibilities. You don’t have to do it all in a week, a month, or even a year. These are single steps you can take, one by one, to build your audience.

You Never Get a Second Chance for a Good First Impression!
The goal of this book is to show you the professional, yet inexpensive way of publishing a book and how to build your readership, no matter if you self-publish or sell your manuscript to a traditional publisher.

Explains why book marketing is important – and rewarding and how readers will find your book among millions of others. You will also learn about the difference between marketing and selling through ads.

In this chapter, you will evaluate your current publishing and book marketing situation. You will learn, in chronological order, the basics to start your author platform, find out which social media accounts are effective, and how to present your book and yourself professionally.

Here you will learn the important steps in a professional book production. Let’s assume your manuscript is finished, has been read by other writers and beta readers, and is on the way to the editor. What is your next step in book marketing? And where else can you sell your book?

In this chapter, you will get tips for “passive marketing”; book layout tips; your author pages; and other places you can sell your book besides the major online retailers.
Find a timeline checklist for your book launch event.

Here, you will learn about advanced marketing strategies and how you can leverage your manuscript in markets other than e-book or paperback, and even in foreign markets.  A comprehensive checklist for your book marketing gives you a valuable tool for years (and books) to come!

Doing these steps is a long-term time investment. They won’t initiate an immediate spike in book sales; rather, they will improve a number of your readers and the exposure of your books.
Remember: all of your writing is an asset that can keep making you money for decades to come!

A certain time commitment may be necessary, at least in the beginning, depending on your level of involvement. Yet, you will learn how to connect reader communities and social media accounts and the more you use these marketing tools, the faster you can handle them. Which means that you will get more visitors and buyers.

You may not be a New York Times bestselling author with a publicist–yet.  So, if you want to succeed at self-publishing, you will want to learn everything you can about professional book layout, publishing, and traditional book marketing methods.  You will find many steps in the publishing process in this book. These tasks are not obvious “book marketing” tasks, but they are essential for your success as an author.

For Whom is this Book Useful?
Self-Publishers and authors who work with traditional publishers alike profit from this book marketing and publishing guide. Get inspirations and encouragement from someone who has 35+ years of experience in print and e-book publishing, book marketing, online writing and magazine publishing.
Author Doris-Maria Heilmann

Amazon e-Book
US$ 3.99 / Can$ 4.99 / Euro $4.99







Videos, book trailers, book teasers – whatever names you use – it is one of the fastest growing, powerful trends in promoting books online.

Valuable Tips and more than 150 useful and interesting links to websites for FREE music and images, and tutorial videos will help you to plan, create and promote your book trailer on the road to bestseller status.

No matter if you have an e-book, audio-book or traditional paper book: This guide explains in detail how to use free video-uploading to promote and market your book successfully.

Book trailers and YouTube videos are quickly gaining popularity among publishers and successful authors to help promote books and encourage people to read them. Bestsellers have them – why not you? Introduce your book and get potential readers excited!
Author Doris-Maria Heilmann

Amazon e-Book
US$ 2.99 / Can$3.60 / Euro $3.60







Es gibt Augenblicke, in denen man keine Zeit oder Lust hat, dicke Romane zu lesen. Am Strand, in der U-Bahn, abends im Bett oder im Wartezimmer – immer dann, wenn man sich ein bisschen entspannen will.

Claudia Westphal serviert uns die kleinen, heiteren Häppchen für den Lese-Hunger zwischendurch, zum Schmunzeln und Träumen, zum Lächeln und Mitfühlen oder Nachdenken.

Sie versteht es mit dem Leser zu spielen ihn unbewusst auf eine falsche Fährte zu locken – um ihn letztendlich mit unerwarteten Wendungen zu überraschen.

Spannend, heiter, und oft mit überraschenden Wendungen – in jedem Fall ein abwechslungsreiches Lesevergnügen, eine echte Entdeckung!

Die Autorin dieser Kurzgeschichten, Claudia Westphal, aufgewachsen in Nordrhein-Westfalen, lebte ausser in Deutschland mit ihrem Mann und Ihren erwachsenen Kindern auch in Canada und in Grossbritannien.  Sie war viele Jahre in der Wirtschaft taetig, bis sie ihrer Kreativitaet und Liebe zum Schreiben nachgab und ihre knappe Zeit dem Schreiben von spannenden Kurzgeschichten zu widmen begann.

(GERMAN EDITION) US$2.99  / Can$ 3.60 / Euro 3.60

Amazon e-Book:



Traumberuf Pilot?


Der “Traum vom Fliegen” beeinflusst den Berufswunsch vieler junger Frauen und Männer. Bislang hatten sie jedoch kaum die Möglichkeit, detaillierte Hintergrund-informationen zu ihrer Berufswahl in Europa zu finden. Das Buch TRAUMBERUF PILOT? gliedert sich in drei Bereiche:

Im ersten Teil werden die Einsatzmöglichkeiten für Berufspiloten erklärt und der Berufsalltag beschrieben.

Der zweite Abschnitt beschreibt Ausbildungswege in Europa nach den neuesten europäischen Ausbildungsvorschriften, den JAR-FCL’s, aber auch den Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten in Canada, Australien, Süd Afrika und den USA – inklusive der Umschreibe-Modalitäten beschrieben. Es wird ausführlich auch auf die Ausbildung “ab initio” – die durchgehende Ausbildung – oder die Kombination mit einem Studium eingegangen.

Im letzten Teil werden Berufschancen besprochen, DLR Pilotentest-Vorbereitungskurse erklärt, Ausbildungskosten aufgelistet, Gehälter – weltweit – benannt (gemäß den aktuell zur Verfügung stehenden Informationsquellen), Möglichkeiten der Jobsuche aufgezeigt (mit einer umfassenden Adressenliste für Ihre Bewerbung  inclusive der derzeit eingesetzten Fluggeräte von europäischen Airlines und Luftfahrtunternehmen). Und es werden zahlreiche Bewerbungs- und Vorstellungstips gegeben.

ISBN Electronic book: 978-1-988664-04-0

ISBN Print book: 978-1-988664-03-3

Vom Nachtfracht-Piloten über den Executive-Flieger bis hin zum

Langstreckenpilot berichten Cockpit-Crews über ihren Arbeitsbereich.

Unzählige Hintergrund Information in diesem Deutsch-sprachigen


Alles was Sie als angehender Pilot wissen müssen finden Sie in diesem

praktischen Ratgeber – der “Bibel” für Berufs- und Helikopterpiloten.

  • Berufschancen, Einsatzmöglichkeiten für Berufspiloten
  • Gehälter, Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten Weltweit,
    Arbeitsbereiche und Pilotenalltag,
  • DLR Pilotentest-Vorbereitungskurse,
  • komplettes Adressenverzeichnis von europäischen 
  • Luftfahrt Ausbildungsbetrieben und Luftverkehrsgesellschaften
  • Weltweit erhältlich als eBook und in Print:


Helping War Refugees Through the Winter

.For the last two years, Canadian volunteer Charmaine Craig helped war refugees in Greece. This winter she went to Lebanon were huge tent cities house hundred-thousands of Syrian people, who lost their homes, jobs, schools and often many family members to this five-year war.  They have to live in tents in the middle of winter!

Most of us wish for a happy, healthy and prosperous year and it is ever more important here. Syrian families displaced by war wish for peace and wonder about when the day comes that the war is over if they will have a place to go back to.”

***This upcoming eBook is intended to raise funds to help families
and to provide them with food and warmth. It shows how volunteers
helped stranded war refugees on the island of Kos, in Greece***

“Families live in abject poverty here in the Beqaa Valley.
They have barely enough food to survive let alone for proper nutrition. And, children run around in sandals and light jackets when it is freezing outside. So many children and elderly will end up sick this winter.

There are over 1400 informal settlement camps scattered on farmer fields throughout the valley. Not every settlement receives aid. A lot of NGO’s will not work here due to safety concerns. Here at Salam LADC we try to reach the most vulnerable. We have done many distributions in my short time here and the relief and joy it brings to the people is very gratifying. We provide food bags with enough staples for one month for each family and heating fuel to help keep them warm. “

Charmaine wrote: “I am very happy to work with Salam LADC. I can see they do so much good here with their projects. But as they are a small grassroots NGO their funding is provided by us, the volunteers, and our networks.

Please do also help with a donation to GoFundMe Winter 2016 Campaign.


Visit to Europe’s Most Beautiful Libraries

Europe’s Most Beautiful Libraries:  Explore Baroque spaces or cutting-edge extensions from contemporary architects.




Biblioteca Joanina, Coimbra, Portugal, University Library
The library was built with the wealth that accompanied Portugal’s imperial endeavours, aka slave money… The exquisitely carving, lacquering and design were all deliberately commissioned in order to make the best use of Portugal’s craftsmen, and much of the wood used was exotic to them, as it was exported from Brazil. The library only houses books printed in the 19th century and earlier, making it a truly historical collection. The University city of Coimbra is west of Lisbon/Portugal and worth a trip of several days.

Admont Abbey Library
One of the largest monastery libraries in the world, the library at Admont Abbey, only a few kilometers from Liezen, not far from #9 highway in the province of Styria/Austria, is a baroque masterpiece. The decoration is a combination of pure white with gold arrangements, matched by the contents of the library, set in Austria’s oldest monastery and containing an eclectic mixture of antique books. Expansive windows allow the sun to flood the room. Don’t miss to visit the monastery garden, and approach it through a beautiful contemporary glass staircase.

Old Library, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
The library’s primary treasure may be the Book of Kells, an extravagantly illustrated gospel book, which is held on permanent public display. The Old Library also holds temporary exhibitions to show off some other specimens from the collection, which includes a copy of the 1916 Proclamation of the Irish Republic, and the oldest harp in Ireland. The library also contains a significant collection of Samuel Beckett’s letters.

Austrian National Library, Hofburg Palace, Vienna
The Austrian National Library is housed in the Hofburg Palace, which was the historic seat of power for the Habsburg family. Decorated in an explosion of Baroque colour, the library is abundant in its decoration, with metres-tall bookshelves and luxurious ornaments.



Library Prague

Biblioteca Marciana, Venice
Even Andrea Palladio admitted that Jacopo Sansovino’s Biblioteca Marciana was the ‘richest and most ornate’ building assembled since antiquity. The obligatory ceiling frescoes and niche paintings are present, some of them painted by classical Venetian artists Titian and Tinteretto. Enter the library via a dramatic marble staircase, illuminated by golden decorations above, an great entrance to one of Venice’s finest buildings, located next to Piazza San Marco.



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